RISS/ATIX: How Gangstalking is Administered, How To End Gangstalking (Greg Burton video) w/ Confirming Evidence in Appendices

How Gangstalking is Administered, How To End Gangstalking

RISS: Regional Intelligence Sharing System
ATIX: Automated Trusted Information Exchange

Excerpts/highlights from video:

Moderator of video (Greg Burton):

“Who’s really behind the gangstalking? I know there are a lot of theories about it. The government loves that. They love the confusion. There’s nothing magical or mystical about it. It’s run by the federal government. I’ve been trying to place some posts with YouTube videos. They keep deleting my posts. They may delete this as well.

I wanted to alert you to a website: https://www.riss.net. “Regional Information Sharing Systems… A Proven Resource for Law Enforcement.” Of course, the private sector can join in on this too. RISS. It’s conducted in every state. There are different centers. I’m currently in Arizona so I’m in the Southwest center.

I wanted to bring your attention to the ATIX platform (ATIX: Automated Trusted Information Exchange). If you are a TI or a relative of a TI, they will deny you access to this website and information. They’ll do a background check and you’ll be denied. The ATIX platform is a real-time information sharing network that allows the perps that get ahold of this app to use it to try to harass and intimidate you.

Or at least they try. I end up laughing at them when I see them. They are so pathetic with their lies. They fixate on other people. I just can’t even imagine stalking another man…. unless you are attracted to them or into the same sex thing. Which I’m not. I’m happily married for 22 years. Some people enjoy that I guess.

I just thought I’d alert you as to how they are actually doing it. If you are a Targeted Individual you know that when you use your credit card or debit card that flags everybody with the app within a certain vicinity. Then they can update (the app) if they see you, they can take a photo of you or video tape you, which they often do. Or they can just update the app which they often do in real time and alert everybody else in the area that has the app as well. So that if you are in a Walmart, they’ll alert everybody in the Walmart that you’re there.

Your app has your photo and derogatory lies and defamation about you. You’re everything from a drug dealer to a pedophile, a thief, meth dealer. They make up lies to get people to turn against you. You are basically on a terrorist watch list.

The different communities involved are pretty substantial. I was given an application. Of course they denied me when I tried to actually apply for it. This application is for the Southwest Center. On this form, the communities involved in the “RISS ATIX Community” include:

RISS ATIX Community

Law Enforcement (Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice, Criminal Police Instructor)
Government Executive (Federal, State, County, Local, Tribal, Federal Agency Official), Public Health (State, County, Local, Tribal),
Environment (Environmental Protective Services),
Utility Services Public (water, power, other)
Private (water, power, other)
Additional Communities
– Agriculture and Food Industry,
– Banking and Finance Industry,
– Chemical Industry,
– Corrections,
– Education,
– Hotel Industry,
– Military,
– National Guard Executive
– Postal and Shipping,
– Private Security Industry,
– Telecommunication Industry,
– Transportation Industry

Of course, all your Internet, Infinity. Hotels are in on it as well. Security companies. You know as a TI that if you go to any place with security guards that they are immediately attracted to you like vultures on dead meat. It’s pretty much about that anybody can be involved in this in the private sector.

What happened is that this app was intended for certain entities. But as apps can be shared with other people, it was shared with others and it spread like a virus. And basically perps, or scumbags, Satanic people, use that app then (they think they are really clever when they get a hold of it) to try to harass, poison, stalk, commit various felonies against you… break into your house, set up cameras, put GPS’s on your vehicle. They also obviously use the GPS on your phone and your vehicle to track you.

I had my GPS removed from my vehicle. It doesn’t matter. They’ll put another one on there. You can be out in the middle of nowhere on a highway and they’ll bright you, they’ll mess with you. Just part of their sick little game. I can’t even imagine who would take part in something like this. They actually think they are doing a good thing. They are told you are a danger, a threat to the community. You are basically on the domestic terrorist watch list. Even though you actually have no record, like myself. You never actually committed any crimes.

My crime is I was a whistleblower…. I emailed the corporate pharmaceutical office of the company I was working with to try to get them to be more active in recycling bottles. I emailed Green Peace. Shortly thereafter, my experience as a Targeted Individual began and it has continued for the past 10 years. So pretty with much any pharmacy I work at, I’m labelled a drug dealer, a thief, the usual scumbag tactics they use.

If you are threat to the government, any type of a whistleblower, you’ll be put on the list. And when you’re on the list, you’re on there for life.

We are headed down the same road as the German Nazis…. Checkpoints with German Shepards. Unconstitutionally search and arrest people. It’s all part of a totalitarian system… The United Police States, I call it. They also provide specialized equipment. So let’s take a look at that….

The RISS document states:

“The equipment loaned by RISS makes a substantial difference in building cases and investigating and apprehending criminals.”

Body-wire receivers
Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
Video Recorders
Specialized Lenses
Night-Vision Goggles
Night-Vision Scopes
Ground-Penetrating Radar Systems

“RISS Center equipment staff consult with and train member agencies on the use of equipment and provides expertise in developing equipment.”

Moderator again: And of course this is only a partial list. They are also going to have through-the-wall technology so you can watch your neighbor through the wall. They are going to have microwave guns so you can microwave someone through the wall, make them sick, give them diarrhea, give them various symptoms.

I was on a remote highway in South Dakota, in the middle of nowhere, taking a remote highway hoping not to get messed with so much. A Sheriff was parked along the side of the road waiting for me. He waved for me to go by and then immediately tail-gated me, right on my bumper. He had to have been within a foot. He pulled out a device with a cone around it. No, it wasn’t a radar gun. Radar guns don’t have giant cones around them. He had this evil smirk on his face. He literally looked like a demon.

He pointed this device at me and followed me for 5-10 miles. It seemed like forever. For some reason, my cruise control wouldn’t stay on when the device was on me. I thought that was kind of odd.

In any case, three-four hours later, I started getting the symptoms of being microwaved. That’s severe intestinal cramping, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue. So I had to pull over and get a hotel room. That was a mistake because they rented the room next to me and continued to do it.

(This is all) just your tax payer money hard at work. Purchasing this kind of equipment for the gangstalkers and local police to use. FUSION centers opening up all over the country. They are already all over the country at taxpayer expense of course. Do we really need hundreds of FUSION centers spying on our own people? I thought this was a democracy. I can see protecting our people from foreign threats, but…. FUSION centers growing up in every large city. Drones. It’s literally out of control.

If you try to film FUSION centers from public property, they’ll arrest you. They are so secretive.

So this is basically how they do it. Citizens on Patrol is another organization that’s involved in this. They get the app and then they’re sworn to privacy or secrecy. So we know what it is and who’s conducting it. We know it’s the federal government. We know it’s FUSION centers and that the Department of Homeland Security is involved. We know what the perps do. We know their little game. I would say “don’t let it bother you. They’re just pathetic scumbags.” I literally laugh at them. I can spot them immediately when I go into places. I just look at them like, “you’re just a worthless piece of garbage, get a life.”

So the real question is: how do we stop this? And the answer is: get the app. So they obviously have an app they are using that they are sharing in real time. It’s my opinion that it is the app for this RISS APIX program.

So (if) you get the app you’ll have access to the profiles inside of it. And if you are doctor you can sue them for defamation of character. You want to have a clean record. If they are posting things on there that you’ve allegedly done (I know they have used body doubles and all kinds of things). If you haven’t done these things, you have a defamation of character lawsuit. Once one person wins a case one of these lawsuits and establishes precedent, you have a basis for a class action lawsuit.

All TIs could then be involved in a class action lawsuit – which would be for an enormous amount of money. You think about the psychological toll and damages you’ve occurred, the harassment in the workplace, that occurs over and over again. You’ve lost jobs over it, it’s cost you friends, loved ones, family members that have turned against you. The emotional and monetary toll that it’s taken. I would say it would be a minimum of a million dollars for each TI. For each year you have been targeted, I would say a minimum of $100,000 would be appropriate restitution, payback.

So how do you get the ATIX app? If you are a TI, you wouldn’t be able to get it. They will do a background check. You’ll be blacklisted from the companies involved in the program.

I have four college degrees including my doctorate in pharmacy. I graduated in the top 10% of my class. Was accepted into law school. As an experiment, I applied to every run of the mill hotel jobs. Not one responded to me. That’s a big red flag. Long story short, you won’t be hired by any of these entities and they won’t allow you to participate.

So I recommend you can go to a Walmart, use your credit card, bring a few hundred dollars and bribe one of the perps for the app. Be friendly as you approach them. You know how it is if you ever try to talk to a perp, they are very creepy and weird.

I’m convinced that the RISS is the entity behind this. Go to the website and take a look at it.

I can assure that every single Sheriff’s office is involved. It’s run at the county level, so every Sheriff’s involved. Thank goodness, not every police department is involved yet.

Certain states will show you the agencies involved. Here is list of them in my state of Arizona: Arizona member agencies (181) on ATIX form, including Municipal (64 agencies), Federal (54 agencies), Prosecutors (11), Corrections (7), Other (22).

If our founding fathers could see how big the government is and how the government is spying on people in their own houses, they would call for a revolution. The country has been taken over. I think it’s your duty and obligation as an American patriot to stop this.

I hope somebody gets a hold of the app. Please contact me. Hopefully they won’t block this like they’ve blocked my other posts.

God bless you guys, hang in there. The Lord is with you. This is a Satanic endeavor by the federal government. The perps have no idea what they are messing with, especially when they mess with a child of the most high God. They are basically cursing themselves and bringing negative karma on themselves. There will be retribution, I guarantee it. For every time they act out against you, consider yourself blessed. The book of James says consider it with joy when you are harassed and persecuted because you know that the Father is going to bless you. If you are persecuted unjustly or unrighteously he’ll bless you and curse your enemies. It’s a double-edged sword, you’ll be blessed and they’ll be curse. Trust in the Lord.

Give thanks to the Lord for all things. Ephesians 5:20. Romans 8:28.

We know this is just going to strengthen us. Everything has a season. This is not going to last forever.”

Appendix To Post by Webmaster:  

I. Automated Trusted Information Exchange (From Wikipedia)

Automated Trusted Information Exchange (ATIX) is a computer database containing homeland security and terrorist threat information, which is part of the U.S. government’s Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) program. [1][2]

See also:

Homeland Security Information Network
Joint Regional Information Exchange System
Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange
National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan

“Automated Trusted Information Exchange (ATIX)”. ATIX (official site). Archived from the original on 23 March 2010. Retrieved 17 December 2009.

Harris, William. “Homeland Security Information Network: Moving Past the Missteps Toward Better Information Sharing” (PDF). Testimony to U.S. House of Representatives. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2 December 2009. Retrieved 18 December 2009.


CONTINUOUS FOLLOW-UP | Constant communication should be directed toward targeted individuals to reinforce the heightened law enforcement attention they are receiving. Regular follow-up is necessary to ensure each individual receives personalized treatment by both law enforcement and social service providers. However, agencies should avoid overcommitting resources they cannot provide, as it undermines the legitimacy of the deterrence. Follow-up helps guarantee targeted individuals receive the increased efforts of law enforcement and guarantees each individual is provided the resources needed to succeed in their community.

III.   How Do They Target You? 

How do they target you?

If you are a targeted individual you are on the Feds watchlist that was recently ruled unconstitutional (El hady v Kable) however it is still in place. The profiles of the watchlisted individuals, aka targeted individuals, is disseminated through RISS (Regional Information Sharing Systems) and more specifically through the ATIX (Automated Trusted Information Exchange Network) for the private sector. It came out in the court depositions that individuals has access to the wathclist on their own personal devices. The Watchlist was disseminated to over 1,600 private entities. As part of the Patriot Act, all financial data is monitored, and if you are on the watchlist, it is uploaded real time to the RISS. Your GPS on your Phone and Car (they will plant a device on your vehicle if you don’t have one and your phone can be tracked even if its off – Stingray devices) is monitored and tracked real time and alerts/dings the Perps who have the ATIX mobile App to your presence. When you use any financial currency (credit/debit cards) it also alerts the app. Citizens on patrol, Infragard, and other citizen groups will get paid or volunteer to track and update your whereabouts. I believe that a commonly used back door has been shared and spread for this app throughout the general public as if you are a targeted individual you have even seen kids under 18 yo participating in it (could be their parents giving them their login info as well). Even Hotel management has access to the app, so it isn’t a top secret thing. Judge Anthony Trenga ruled it unconstitutional in Sept. 2019, however the Feds have attempted to side step, delay, and have not complied with his ruling. So what app do they use: ATIX (Automated Trusted Information Exchange Network) a real time anonymous information sharing network cloud for people to share real time info/photos/lies/slander about ‘suspected threats’.

No Go Forth & Beat Them At Their Own Game!


They are literally killing me. They told me they are making me old then proceeded to give me all the illnesses and issues old people get, they are not doing this for any other reason than to torture.

It’s not available on my iPhone

They may be hiding under the guise of an excavation app. “Public safety” 811 is excavation. They think they are digging up your past. It’s clever. If you look at the IOWA 811 app, you’ll notice the insane levels of functionality it has.

They also use Citizen apparently but none of these apps work with our phones

This is very useful information. My harassment includes all of this surveillance you speak of, the monitoring of financials, the tracking of personal devices including cell phones, etc. Based on my analysis it has occurred to me that most of the data obtained to harass me came from my cell phone, not just written/visual digital communications such as text messages, picture messages, emails, instant messengers, etc. but they actually extracted information from audio conversations held on my personal cell phone historically and real time because some of the information/data that I am being harassed about are things I know that I only spoke about in actual telephone conversations. They were not things that were written in a text message/email/chat/social media post.

I am a private person and born of generation that did not grow up with the internet, cell phones, email, social media, etc. The social media sites I had prior to me becoming aware of being the target of organized stalking were Black Planet, My Space, Facebook, and Linked In. I never really shared personal information on the sites, the most you would have gotten on here were my contacts, education, employment history. I have half siblings that I did not even acknowledge on the website until after the organized stalking occurred, I don’t think I ever talked about vacations on websites, and I never talked about relationships I was in and I did not talk about my personal/inner life, hopes, dreams, fears, strengths, weaknesses, etc. on these sites, conversations such as those occurred with girlfriends, friends, relatives I trusted emotionally during audio conversations.

I am being harassed regarding some of those conversations, that’s how I know that the providers and/or the government agencies responsible for oversight of the internet and digital communications, NSA, etc. are actually recording private citizens audio conversations on their personal devices going back at least fifteen to twenty years ago.

I’m sorry you’re being targeted! To know such evil exists is an awakening in itself isn’t it! The advancement of technology would astound anyone, once they are locked in, they know your everything just by you pressing on a letter. I’ve started having weird things happen to myself since I’ve looked into it all. Things like knocking on my door late at night. I’ve also had someone hacked into my phone for about 6 months now. Started when I got more of a following on fb exposing all the fuckery regarding the 💉and keeping our kids safe etc. There’s a few clues, battery draining, msgs sending multiple times, phones backlight lighting up when I’m not near it, glitching a lot and hearing a buzzing in the background. I think fb and other socials are in kahoots because they send me an email saying someone has accessed my account and I need to send id to verify. I pretend it was me and when I check my logins of course there’s none except mine. Then I got an email saying that because I have a “wider audience” I need to secure my accts from hackers and give them more security id measures. We just need to think outside the box they’re pidgeonholing us in and out smart them. Technology hey!!! So good yet so damaging. Ruined relationships

I’ll pm you if you like? I have a few tips that may help depending on your phone type.

IV. RISS or How Perps Communicate


RISS stands for the “Regional Information Sharing Systems”. Please refer to the link above, specifically “RISS ATIX community exchange” if you would like to know how your perps communicate about you locally and beyond, behind your back, confidentially, in real time, and in organized and ever changing groups that can involve “local, county, state, and tribal levels of emergency management, law enforcement, and government, as well as water and power utilities, transportation, agriculture, chemical manufacturing, private security, environmental protection, banking and finance, and hospitality industries. New community groups are added to RISS ATIX as the service expands.”

My attention was brought to this communication system in Ramola D’s letter to POTUS in my post below. For any TI’s out there like myself who was wondering how our country turned into a giant greasy slimy clusterfuck of electronic human trafficking, RISS offers a big clue. RISS can be utilized by any “authorized” person from your meth addicted police informant neighbor all the way to the White House. Most likely anyone who has ever had “security clearance” from the US Government has access to it. See the map in the link above for the map of National RISS centers which more than likely function as fusion centers as well.

RISS has legitimized the “slow kill” program. It is being improved upon almost annually and makes depopulation that much more efficient for gangstalking scum. It is basically a giant National sewing circle for people who have nothing better to do all day than masturbate to stranger’s everyday lives. And for “snitches who get riches” from law enforcement and Federal agencies. “See something, Say something” on RISS. Neighbor gave you a dirty look? Have the whole community track them on RISS from their door to door destinations and everywhere in between. Ever wonder why you’re seeing the city water dept., city hall employees, USPS, FedEx, UPS, and armored bank trucks everywhere you go? RISS. Ever wonder how supermarket employees, coworkers, customer service operators, and the landscapers know your “harassment program”? RISS. The potential for abuse is overwhelming and I can personally testify RISS itself is used for terroristic purposes. Please read about RISS on the link above and when you realize how this system is being used legally to slow kill TI’s it will blow your mind.

TI’s always notice perps with their face in their phones or reaching for their phones as soon as you enter a room or pass. I used to think it was just a sensitization technique until I noticed that they were looking at endless columns of text messages that seemed highly intriguing to them. They are using RISS. To communicate with other perps. About you. Once on a TI conference call a perp told me he was “speechless” after he noticed how many people were communicating about me on this system. It must be something like Twitter where they follow a person. Only the target is completely unaware.

If you already knew about this, good for you. I thank Ramola D for calling my attention to this because I consider it a major breakthrough. Knowledge is power and I plan to send a FOIA request to every single Federal agency involved with RISS. I encourage all TI’s to do the same.


MK-Ultra Mind-Control Documentary: Techniques, Celebrities & more! *WARNING CONTAINS TRIGGERS!* (Youtube: Jay Myers Documentaries)
November 19, 2017

Organized Gang Stalking/ Electronic Harassment is…
June 16, 2013
In “Brain Mapping”
The Replacements
May 2, 2013
In “Aurora”

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Life Long Target February 7, 2017 at 6:12 pm
They never seem to get tired of playing juvenile games, do they? They’ve been hard at it since 2006. They’re all connected. If the system puts something in the media that pisses me off, assholes at work will be “laughing” because my reaction was recorded and it was noted that I got pissed off.

And they are playing a dangerous game with these getting TI’s pissed off. What if somebody gets hurt? Oh, then the jerkoffs will have “evidence” that we are violent and hurt people and need to be “watched closely”. I have to laugh at their excuses. They are nothing but a bunch of immature creeps and stalkers who need to grow a pair of balls and grow up.

Don’t they ever get tired of doing the same sh*t over and over again for years? Anybody with a brain or a life would’ve moved on by now, but they not only stick to the same victim, but play the same stupid games for like forever.

They are so stupid. What if they actually grow up? I’m impressed at their ability to never give up these childish dangerous games they play. If a person is dangerous, don’t you think they’d lay off the harassment, in case the “crazy violent” person who “needs to be watched” might hurt somebody? No, they go out and laugh and mock them!

How they never give this up I’ll never know. And my perps actually think they are smart and superior, like they have talent just because they have a hive mindset.

Idiots. There are so many evils in the world, and they could actually get their collective minds together and solve something. Plus look at how much money and time and effort is being put into this instead of solving problems or curing ills.

But going out and pissing off targets to get that “high” is more important to them.

I think it was you that said that they’ve finally found a way to keep their sickness and avoid getting better and having to grow up. They must protect their immaturity and ignorance and low morals, dammit. At all costs.

stopogs February 7, 2017 at 8:10 pm
I agree with everything in your comment. They don’t stop, and when they receive complaints they just amp it up. Some actually never stop physical movement. Because they don’t want to slow down and have time to think, their conscious will overwhelm them with all the evil acts they have committed. There is a psych term for this, Tony Soprano’s psychologist used it to describe him. Most perps are on the more severe side of narcissism, they don’t care if they have to hurt themselves or loved ones to take another person down. They are figuratively speaking “suicide bombers”. Because when you follow the money and get to the root of it, their orders come directly from Lucifer. They don’t care but of course any thing that resembles a threat to themselves or their loved ones will only be used against us and create more followers and tracking on RISS.

steve February 19, 2022 at 3:16 pm
Well put. They are by far the most pathetic people on this earth! there that 1%,the bottom feeder’s POOP!!!!

Terri February 14, 2017 at 8:15 pm
Well, unfortunately this doesn’t shock me. I was told by a doctor’s office receptionist back in 2004 that my name was on a site called “Rainbow?”. It was a doctor’s blackball site. Of course after they had caused 34 car accidents in which I now suffer daily from, it would only be natural for them to BLACKBALL ME FROM RECIEVING CARE! Yes, 34 accidents, not one my fault, and only 2 settlements, each pocketing me a slimey $5000 each! I’ve had 5 vehicles stolen, and two homes lost to fires. My home is broke in a minimum of twice a week …. if I leave my home.
I have been stalked since 1999, that I know of, and because of the knowledge I possess, I have been denied the freedom of the internet. In fact, for so many years I quit trying. I got a roommate recently and thru her I am able to access the internet for the last 10 days. I am shocked to see so many people now having this same issue! There were only 4 YouTube channels on this subject last time I was able to check!
If I am able to, the YouTube channel I started to put together yesterday is: Organized Gang Stalking and WHY “THEY” ARE AFRAID OF “YOU!”.
Psalm 37:21 Those who repay evil for good harass* me for pursuing good.
*harass- the Hebrew expression, from which the word Satan is derived, signifies either to “harass” and or “slander.” Cf. PS 108 (109), 4 pg. 685

stopogs February 15, 2017 at 9:22 am
There are more and more blogs, videos and books coming out about gang stalking and EH/ torture. The exposure is only grow exponentially at this point. I’m sorry for all you have been through, I believe you. Their evil and ignorance is astounding.

Stop harassment March 8, 2017 at 2:09 am
Does anyone know if this is really something people do? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C2hqterUwGk

dane August 11, 2019 at 10:01 pm
They have taken that link down. Wish I could have watched it.

ExodusPower864 March 12, 2017 at 6:05 pm
Im so glad that I found your site…now it all makes sense they’re using the Riss. After reading these crazies can get access to all types of things!!! OMG! I keep telling my friends and family that 1 click from God and they will all become powerless!! Wiki Leaks Vault 7 is just the beginning of the breaking down!

Old Fart October 2, 2018 at 12:20 pm
Hello fellow TI’s, I finally found your site. I only started going to call conferences since May of 2018 and within 4 weeks understood it was run entirely by perps, from the moderator on down to all the chat room regulars and those who pop in and out too. Wow! Thank you all for being here and informing me about RISS and how it is done. They have uploaded my brain and of course read my thoughts, and I found the conversation was about what i was thinking the last 24 hours as soon as I signed on, that was Derricks Pacts call. They see thru my eyes and hear with my ears. It went overt with me in 2000 and after time I was able to go back to covert 1973-74. Now that I found you I for the first time really do feel I am not alone. I’m an old timer but trying to get up to speed about it all. The ability to read our minds is the hardest to deal with. They have been controlling my e-mail big time recently so hope your notifications get thru but I’ll check back here anyway. Best to all.

Stop harassment March 14, 2017 at 8:13 pm
How does a person go about getting information on what’s being communicated about them self through these systems? It seems that there is a lot of corruption in the world today and it is infiltrating our communities in a way that takes advantage of people’s ignorance and fear.

Stop harassment March 14, 2017 at 8:33 pm
Take a look at this video on YouTube.

State of Surveillance, Police, Privacy, and Technology

Stop harassment March 14, 2017 at 8:38 pm
Here is another link for those in the Rocky Mountains region.

Click to access RMIN.2016.CO.ImpactSheet.pdf

Stop harassment March 15, 2017 at 7:31 am
Take a look at this and tell me what you think. Be sure to look at the electro magnetic weaponry and its capabilities. I was doing some research online and wondered if this sort of thing might generate symptoms mirroring what a lot of people complain of.


Stop harassment March 15, 2017 at 2:42 pm
These three sites may be of interest to you: http://www.space.com/1934-weapons-directed-energy-warfare-21st-century.html



Stop harassment March 17, 2017 at 6:10 am
Does anyone know if there are groups that meet and discuss community harassment or cause stalking in Colorado? I would be interested in meeting in person.

Leslie Lynn March 30, 2018 at 7:12 pm
I live this every day of my life, the worst is how my family and friends have reacted. People can be so evil.

Pingback: A nationwide way for gangstalkers to connect and destroy someone | Eagle

Kris June 9, 2022 at 11:48 am
Yes. I do notice water and city employees following me in the store. It’s pathetic. 5 years now. Theyr cowards. I don’t hv time for cowards. Try to provoke a fight and call police. That’s a coward.

They have your mail. I’ve known that since first year. Even post master couldn’t figure it out

V. RISS ATIX Community Exchange The Social Media Network The Fusion Center Used to Communicate (Video)

VI. Your gangstalking is coming from RISS (Regional Information Sharing Systems), HSIN (Homeland Security Information Network), or your local state fusion center (or all three!)


3 yr. ago
Your gangstalking is coming from RISS (Regional Information Sharing Systems), HSIN (Homeland Security Information Network), or your local state fusion center (or all three!)
These three programs are essentially the same but using different strategies to avoid having their information made public.

The two things they all have in common are:

1) “Terrrorist” sharing information apps – the apps and online websites that share your information to their members in real time so you can be gangstalked

2) Allowing almost everyone to join – yes, this includes law enforcement, but also other people who have no business joining this group like firefighters, military soldiers, paramedics, doctors, nurses, hotel staff, mall security, etc. This is your gangstalking group

Like I said, these networks use different tactics to stay anonymous out of the public light:

RISS – a private sector information sharing network for criminal and terrorist information. They are a private company, so they are immune to FOIA requests and other sunshine laws

HSIN – federal information sharing network. Per their own legal language: “For all purposes, including the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act, DHS is not the custodian of substantive information on HSIN. […] The HSIN PMO is a Data and Content Steward. It is not responsible for the content that users and COIs post to any element of HSIN.”

State fusion center – state information sharing network. Most states’ judicial law (common law) aren’t as fleshed out as federal law. And they have a lot less regulations, agencies, and admissions to help you with information requests.

But, like I said, your gangstalking is probably coming from all three. Why do I say this? Because they are all federated (they combine all their resources together while still keeping some elements separate). You can log in to the HSIN with your RISS credentials. The HSIN is made up of Communities of Interest (COIs) with the network of state fusion centers being their main one. HSIN is also federated with other terrorist and violent criminal sharing databases like the FBI’s LEEP. The HSIN also has access to/merged with the TSC’s terrorist database (often called “the watchlist”).

If you want to learn more about these programs, try these links:

RISS: Regional Information Sharing Systems

Can’t find your information with FOIA requests? It’s probably hidden on the RISSIntel database somewhere. It combines 50 intelligence databases. Your local law officers harassing you could be pulling and updating your info from a fusion center in another state.
Let’s look deeper at HSIN (Homeland Security Information Network)
HSIN: (Homeland Security Information Network)

How the federal HSIN network might be playing a critical role in your gangstalking
DHS’s HSIN network of citizens doing surveillance grows and grows every year
Let’s look deeper at HSIN
We should also take a look at the Office of Operations Coordination and the National Operations Center
We should be taking a closer look at HSIN Exchange “Flash Alerts” and groups
We need to start filing evidence preservation demands for the HSIN
We should probably take a look at the Targeting & Exploitation Center of DHS
Take a look at HSIN Communities (they include the private companies)
State fusion centers:

“It’s the CIA!” “No, it’s the NSA!” “No, it’s the FBI!” “Obviously you all are new at this: It’s the U.S. military in their underground bases!” STOP! Haven’t you heard of the Department of Homeland Security’s National Network of Fusion Centers? THEY COMBINE THEM ALL.
The community is against you and is backed by the government (community policing and Terrorism/Threat Liaison Officers)

Something isn’t right with DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis
Speech from DHS’s Chief Intelligence Officer tells you how coordinated your gangstalking is

VII. Comments to How Gangstalking is Administered, How To End Gangstalking (video)


3 years ago
Please do more gangstalking content you have the best information on YouTube for other TI’s to properly be able to understand

4 years ago
I heard your story on Ella Free. I shared that interview. I thought it was excellent! You have great information ty!

4 years ago
In my instance, I was placed on the list as a child. I am a Life Long Targeted Individual. Every TI is different and their plan for you is not the same. Sad but be careful and remember NO ONE is above the law! I was covertly set up in many instances! Be careful and stay safe!

3 years ago (edited)
This definitely has to stop, I whistle blew on a hospital in Florida where my Father was being treated and they dropped the ball and he died and had the joint committee investigate them..I know the administration/administrator was unhappy..My life has sucked for the last 8 years..please contact me..need to try to help the cause-Im working on being a minister! God Bless! Thanks for the insight!

3 years ago
They owe me 10s of millions

4 years ago
Please let me know when you go for a class action lawsuit this must stop

3 years ago
These stalkers are really dangerous people. I tried to post this to Facebook yesterday and my account was disabled for going against their guidelines. It only confirmed that our Freedom of Speech is gone. I pray for all the TI’s out there 🙏

3 years ago
Im a whistleblower too. Caught them laundering billions in drug money and wrote the FBI

3 years ago (edited)
Restitution… $1 million per year minimum to start. Basic, THEN ADD pain, suffering, defamation, health damage… remember, this is human trafficking, and the assets of participants is therefore to be frozen, seized, and split between their victims. We are talking trillions of dollars.

1 year ago
We need to create an app, one for ourselves or our own website. Then, we all need to meet up and take legal actions against these sheep; the sheeple are evil and are blindly enforcing a cause that they have no idea about. I’m in the process of attempting to expose them and all the wrong that they do. I’ll be making videos soon, I just started but I haven’t been this dedicated since they ruined my music career; but, that’s what happens when you have a decent following and spreading the truth right? This was a good video, don’t be shocked if your video gets taken down after I commented lol. Stay woke, let’s not talk about it; let’s expose them. This video, was definitely exposure.

4 years ago
Ive had heavy microwaving. Constant bathrooms trips, tiredness, the whole works.

4 years ago
So that’s 1 reason why they want everyone to use debt cards ✔

3 years ago
Great info. Thanks for posting. Keep up the excellent work.

2 years ago
In Pine City, MN I just go out to my car and open the door and they come to the culdesac. The pcsd has been Involved in extreme crimes. I have recorded phone call of Tbe Sheriff asking me how I know my car is gps’d. I have dash. Cam video of Sgt Keennno screaming at me that I just about went in ditch,, I laughed,, said wtf do you want?, he tried to create a crime….and he was yelling Aboht me putting on my turn signal, and turning into the locL mini storage….funny as hell because the tracks he was screaming about were his own…I was driving my daughters beater with 4 bald tires. It was and is funny. I rewatch it for an excellent laugh. Sick shit though that he and another criminal cop falsified some more reports and my license got canceled with no ticket. No charge. No due process…I have to complete These created conditions. I haven’t attempted yet. Kind of fun to get driven around in my car with free hands for all the recording devices. I’m making Movie Stars every day

4 years ago
Hello this is James McDaniel I am wanting to share my videos before they are deleted

1 year ago
It’s sonya Aguilera in holbrook az doing this to a lot of people throughout az with a drone …someone needs to do something….

10 months ago
Good find. Would be great to get the app!

2 years ago
Glad to hear 22 yearsyoure a real one. Yes. Haha walmart using card watching who looks at me. Im 20 years ahead of society as a whole ,but the only thing they let me vision is shoes styles.

3 years ago
How much is a TI worth? $3-4 million?
A Michigan State University economics professor discovered $21 trillion unaccounted for in the federal budget starting in 1998 until the end of fiscal year 2015. Professor Mark Skidmore enlisted the help of his graduate students to examine government documents from the Department of Defense and Housing and Urban Development to uncover an unfathomable amount of unauthorized spending.

1 year ago
Electronic Harassment http://www.bugsweeps.com/info/electronic_harassment.html

Estimated Numbers: Targeted Individuals & the Terrorist Watchlist https://www.amazon.com/Estimated-Numbers-Individuals-Terrorist-Watchlist-ebook/dp/B079SZXV5M

Introduction to Directed-Energy Weapons http://newworldwar.org/dewintro.htm

1 year ago

1 year ago
This is all for those who are Chosen by God. You have to look to God and get ready. This is a fight between satan and his followers and God and His followers. This is not what you think. Get right with God!!!

6 months ago
Join Targeted Justice and ICATOR they are trying to end the TSDB list which is how and why were targeted.
3 years ago
I am being terrorized with every aspect from my complex or community and I am aslo being gassed in my apartment. I have noticed that I am being gassed at large stores such as Walmart and in my
car. If you are a TI and you notice that your emotions change from sadness, anger, tiredness, burning skin, hard breathing you are being targeted with gas.
4 years ago
How exactly do you get the app?

You need to be LE?

3 years ago
Hotels are the worst

3 years ago
Man this is crazy im being stalked but I don’t know how deep it is but damn. I hope it’s not this bad hey you said something you said god has me I’m telling you I know he is going to bless me ty man for saying that I really thought you might be a nut but man you said what said about the lord you had me that’s the only thing that gets me threw each day . Look let me share something with you it’s long so hold on . I’m going to try to cut it some ok so I was in pond shop this lady I never seen before said to me first she called me by name I never never seen her before never well she said Donna he knows your pain he know what your going threw and he is going to award you in front of your enamy I’m freaking by then crying I knew this was real I’m a empath person but anyway she said he needs my help I’m like what God needs my lol. I’m crying still she said he wonts you to help him with a group of people that will listen to you . You will be able to help these people I didn’t know what that meant at the time but I do know I have suffered so much over this stalking and list everything and everybody in my life oneday I had a life wake up next day I don’t even know me. So and I have had to go threw this shit. All by myself and I’m telling you I wouldn’t wish this on my enamy . But I plan to try to start a support group for people like me that are suffered the grip of this unbelievable crap that could happen to anyone and I hope to get this message out there people have never heard of this even me and I still can’t rap my head around it wow. But I think the more people know about this the more we get that out there the better chances people like me and others will be able to have somewhat and I say that literally somewhat of a life . I know forsure this encounter with this lady was real so I just felt the need to share with you. The person that is doing this to me I know she has done it before I understand that she does not like gay people and I understand it’s her mission to kill me so I’m under a lot of stress but ty for having the guts to put this out there . Donna
4 years ago
They are more than creepy, I think they want to kill me.

4 years ago
Stellar report

2 years ago
Thank you a lot 😍

3 years ago
Hello! I’d like to share with you in depth about this.

3 years ago
I would love to speak with you. Did Greenpeace help you?

2 years ago
ATIX is no longer on the website
i just checked

3 years ago
thanks good man.

2 years ago
Li da inventor of v2skull test in west Covina California

3 years ago
Do a good job of spreading the truths.

3 years ago
I think its more then that. Million a year is close

4 years ago
What can you wear on your head to stop the ones using microwave frequencies to torture you with voices etc in your mind?
4 years ago
I’m in Az would love to speak with you and your wife. I’m a longtime heavy TI. I can give you my info.
3 years ago
Over 35 years of targeting here
3 years ago
Why aren’t real criminals targeted. They target single women mostly that aren’t criminals. I’ve been targeted since I was a child. I know people that have committed serious crimes that aren’t targeted.
4 years ago
Hi how can I get in contact with you
3 years ago
Hey are you still around? Are you ok?
4 years ago
Recent ti…in hays ks
Its horrid
4 months ago
Xfinity knows everyone knows
6 months ago
I want 150 Billion dollars just for myself.

3 years ago
A bunch of pathetic stalkers in the comments…smh

4 years ago
How did you stay married so long? greg

3 years ago
All psychopaths are stalkers

1 year ago
are you alive?

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