New Federal Energy “Corridors:” Just What Are They?

Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Professor of Geography Our federal energy policy is really a large trough arranged by the hogs for their convenience. Amory Lovins, Colorado energy expert, Mother Jones, 2008 We need an energy bill that encourages consumption. President George W. Bush, 2002 Introduction: 2005 Energy Policy Act Mandates New Energy Corridors Energy, including electrical energy, is essential for civilization as we know it. Today, America gets some 54% of its electricity from coal power plants and another 22% from natural gas power plants. With the possible exceptions of the production and distribution of food and water, no human activity has a greater impact upon the environment, the economy, and Read More …

Operation Crestone/Baca In Flow Chart/Diagrams: Cults, Mind Control, & Weaponization of Religion For World Conquest

Appendix 101: Operation Crestone/Baca In Flow Chart/Diagrams: Cults, Mind Control, & Weaponization of Religion For World Conquest Compiled By Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS; August 2, 2021 Flow Charts-Diagrams are from MKULTRA and Intel community database and basically corroborate the conclusions I came to independently about Operation Crestone/Baca, Colorado in my extended series: “Is Crestone/Baca the Vatican City of the New World Order?” An Expose of the New World Religion.” The primary conclusion is that this a long-term cultural and mind control penetration of America by agents of United Nations Agenda 21, including the CIA, British Intelligence (MI6), Maurice and Hanne Strong, and their very considerable Read More …

More Perspectives on Maurice Strong

More Perspectives on Maurice Strong: 1. 2015 New York Times Obituary, 2. History of Maurice Strong, 3. Wizard of Baca Grande; 4. Master of Sustainable Development Deception; 5. Global Warming Propagandist; 5. Global Warming Scam, 6. Mo and One World Religion; 7. and 8. Mo and Ontario Hydro, 9. Mo’s U.N. Agenda 21, 10. Mo’s Green Energy Doesn’t Work, 11. Mo’s Leftist Ideas, 12: Father of America’s Destruction Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS, October, 2016 ETK Introduction: Maurice Strong wore so many hats during his amazing career that it is very difficult for most to get a sense of his over-arching convictions and “contributions.” Read More …

U.S. Government Torture: The Larson Report (PDF)

U.S. Government Torture: The Larson Report (PDF) The Larson Report: U.S. Government Torture (pdf) The Dave Larson Report Dave Larson was successful at suing the US government and having his implants removed. He located the radios which were used to torture him. The Dave Larson is one of the most important documents for TI’s. Dave Larson explains that he was implanted with multiple electronic devices with which he was illegally tracked and tortured. He had some of his implants removed. He discovered who the inventors were who implanted him. He discovered the patents they filed. He found out where the installations called repeaters were located in and around his neighborhood. Read More …

TI James Walbert’s Lawsuits Against Jerimiah Redford (2008) and Witchita Police (2011) Re: Directed Energy Weapon Attacks (10 related posts)

Epigraph Quote: Former U.S. Marine Corps Criminal Investigator, Secret Service and FBI Intelligence contractor, Technical Surveillance and Counter Measures (TSCM) expert, and private investigator advocating for secretly-forced, brain-implanted Targeted Individual, James Walbert, revealed: “The greatest” American civilians, in their homes and communities, are being remotely neutralized with military grade weaponry under guise of the “war on terror.” Taylor touches on the Nazi influence of this (Phoenix) program now implemented through the related Nazi-CIA non-consensual human experimentation in the U.S. From: “Secretly Forced Brain Implants, Explosive Court Case” by Deborah Dupre I. Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind! (Wired Magazine, Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind! Late Read More …

Hope For Targeted Individuals: 93-Year-Old TI Shoots Home Invader, Holds Accomplices at Gunpoint

93-Year-Old Man Shoots Home Invader, Holds Accomplices at Gunpoint 93-Year-Old Man Shoots Home Invader, Holds Accomplices at Gunpoint “He was tired because every time he calls the police, (they took) forever to come and assist him,” relative says By Dan Lyman Friday, July 01, 2022 and Webmaster’s Comment: Gangstalkers deserve summary execution. (Along with the police, judges, intelligence, military and private sector personnel, first responders, and medical/academic “researchers” who support them.) An elderly homeowner put his firearm to use when a group of invaders broke into his house in California this week, authorities say. The incident unfolded at around midnight on Wednesday in Moreno Valley, a city in Riverside County. Read More …

(CIA’s) EXPERIMENTS IN TORTURE: Evidence of Human Subject Research and Experimentation in the “Enhanced” Interrogation Program; Physicians For Human Rights (pdf) (June, 2010)

I. EXPERIMENTS IN TORTURE: Evidence of Human Subject Research and Experimentation in the “Enhanced” Interrogation Program; Physicians For Human Rights pdf (June, 2010) EXPERIMENTS IN TORTURE: Evidence of Human Subject Research and Experimentation in the “Enhanced” Interrogation Program II. Physicians for Human Rights: CIA Performed Illegal Medical Experiments While Torturing Prisoners Physicians for Human Rights: CIA Performed Illegal Medical Experiments While Torturing Prisoners (Feb. 15, 2011) Loaded on Feb. 15, 2011 by Matthew Clarke published in Prison Legal News February, 2011, page 20 Filed under: Medical Misconduct, Government Misconduct, Medical Experiments/Exploitation, Forcible Treatment, Excessive Force, Guard Brutality/Beatings, Terrorism. Location: United States of America. by Matt Clarke According to a report Read More …

The Great Reset and Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars/ The Secret Goal of Mind Control is Transhumanism (Jay Dyer, 11/20 and 12/18/21)

I. The Great Reset & Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars – Jay Dyer (Nov. 11, 2021) The Great Reset & Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars – Jay Dyer This obscure and overlooked document contains a powerful open declaration of war against the masses on the part of the corporate elite. Originating in 1954, the document was discovered in 1986 and outlines the strategy of economic takeover through systems analysis. II. The Secret Goal of Mind Control is Transhumanism (Jay Dyer, 12/18/21) III. Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Bowne Report May 1, 2022 May 1, 2022 Bowne Report Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, is an Introduction Programming Manual Read More …

Join Campaign Against Organized Gang Stalking (Sweta Ummatt)

Sweta Ummatt Introductory Statement: Join Campaign against Organized Gang Stalking / Organized Community Surveillance. Send Whatsapp message #AgainstOrganizedStalking to 91-9884969627 (@SwetaUmmatt) to Register ! More than a 1000 Targeted Individuals (Ti’s) / Persons of Interest across the world ! Organized Gang Stalking / Organized Community Surveillance : A Simple Definition A secret UNDERGROUND iLLEGAL, LONG TERM, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, NON CONSENSUAL 24×7 SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM designed to cause a nervous breakdown. Organized Stalking / Organized Community Surveillance is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a persons life so they will: be institutionalized in a mental asylum, put in jail, experience constant mental, Read More …