PROOFS That Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture IS Neuro/Cyber/Hybrid Warfare & State-Sponsored Terrorism Against Targeted Civilians: Elements, History, Goals, and Perpetrators
Epigraph Quotes: The U.S. military recently added the ‘human domain’ as the sixth domain of war apart from land, sea, air, outer space, and cyberspace. …. …with respect to noncombatant targeting… neuroweapons may be employed covertly without the target of the attack ever being aware of the attack…. Individuals may be driven insane and manipulated into random acts of violence. Societal subgroups may be manipulated into rising against their government, and whole societies may be thrown into political turmoil and chaos. …. such methods of war… increasingly represent the current reality of ‘hybrid warfare’, ‘political warfare’, and other forms of societal destabilization that are being employed with great effectiveness by Read More …