My Letters to Officials Regarding Lexam’s Proposed “Drillplay”

Archives-My letters to Officials Regarding Lexam’s Proposed “Drill-play” My Letter to Ron Garcia, Manager of BNWR re: NEPA and our FOIA request (letter unanswered) Ron Garcia, Manager 11/13/06 Baca National Wildlife Refuge Alamosa, Colorado Dear Mr. Garcia, The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires that federal agencies implement certain procedures and supply documentation to the public when significant environmental impacts could result from activities on federal lands such as Lexam’s proposed drilling of two 14,000’ test wells on the Baca National Wildlife Refuge. Specifically, we are requesting all written documentation that is available, including an environmental analysis and the NEPA decision document. If these policies were not implemented and these Read More …

NEPA and the Draft Environmental Assessment

The present cabinet boasts more CEO’s than any in history. Most come from the energy, extractive, and manufacturing sectors that rely on giant subsidies and create the worst pollution. Almost all the top positions at the agencies that protect our environment and oversee our resources have been filled by former lobbyists for the biggest polluters in the very businesses that these ministries oversee. These men and women seem to have entered government with the express purpose of subverting the agencies they now command. – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Crimes Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pas Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy History of NEPA Read More …

Accidents in the Gas Fields

Clean water is a gift from God, a gift for the common good. Without clean water there cannot be physical, emotional, or spiritual health. So clean water is a spiritual and ethical concern. The level of our concern reflects the level of our spiritual awareness and commitment. – Catholic nun protesting pollution of the Rio Grande River by Los Alamos National Labs. We know that every day there are accidents in the field. Just look at the (Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation) Commissions’ reports. – Peggy Utesch, Grand Valley Citizen’s Alliance, re: EnCana’s gas drilling near Silt, Colorado   On February 12, 2008, at the public meeting held by the Read More …