Who’s Targeted, How, Why, And By Whom? 2 Interviews Of Kiwi Journalist/Activist & TI, Suzie Dawson

I. FULL INTERVIEW: Suzie Dawson’s #WLDragnet Reveals Who’s Targeted Motto of Marc Smith’s Nodex1: “Needed: 1) Detect (NodeXL Network identifies targets) 2) Deflect (troll networks steal your time and misdirect you), 3) Deter (these are the gangstalking perpetrators, the people making money off of destroying other people’s lives.) Suzie Dawson: “The privatization of surveillance means they must have perpetual growth and expand the number of targeted individuals. As more and more people are being targeted, there will be greater and greater awareness that this is happening. If we don’t stop this, eventually it will be standard operating procedure that everybody is targeted. The expanding watch lists are a kind of Read More …

‘Mafia States’ Targeting Innocent Civilians; 1) “Deceive and Hide- Jewish Mob Stalking Culture”; 2) “TI” As Lone-Wolf Terrorists;” Op Catalyst youtubes and text

ETK Introduction: Canadian TI, Stephen O’Keefe of the website OpCatalyt, has an extraordinarily sophisticated understanding of how the global targeting program works. https://educate-yourself.org/cn/Stephen-O-Keefe-Adroitly-Explains-How-The-Program-Frames-Targeted-Individuals-As-Lone-Wolf-Terrorist-to-Become-an-Enemy-of-the-State-18jan19.shtml I. In his introductory youtube, “Targeted Individual As Lone-Wolf Terrorist”, above, O’Keefe states: “Governments which target persons in the way that they have targeted me are Mafia States. Meaning the government operates in secret as a highly-evolved mafia. The way a mafia targets others is by surrounding targets mostly with others connected to, or owned by, the mafia state. Informants, government employees, snitches, lackeys…. and the reason for this is because you are of more value to the government than you are a physical threat. In my Read More …

Neuro/Cyber/Hybrid Warfare Against “Dissidents”: Revelations Of Canadian Targeted Individual Stephen O’Keefe: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on ACH Show (Jan. 25, 2022)

ACH (1699) Dr. Eric Karlstrom – The Revelations Of Canadian Targeted Individual Stephen O’Keefe (Jan. 25, 2022) ACH (1699) Dr. Eric Karlstrom – The Revelations Of Canadian Targeted Individual Stephen O’Keefe In today’s show originally broadcast on January 25 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, for a show entitled, “The Revelations Of Canadian Targeted Individual Stephen O’Keefe.” We discussed: Eric’s recent summary article from his gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com website which proves that gangstalking-electronic torture is neurowarfare, hybrid warfare, and state-sponsored terrorism against “dissidents” and other innocent civilians; his “Lifeline: Essential Insights and Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Civilians” project, that also attempts to explain and summarize this complex, covert military Read More …

Archbishop Vigano Op Ed: Covid Response is Intro of Luciferian New World Order (8/31/21) & 2 Related Trunews.com Programs (9/1-2/21)

Webmaster Introduction: This brilliant and courageous editorial by Archbishop Vigano should provide the new “north arrow” for Christian believers of all denominations! Many thanks to Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart of trunews.com for giving this story the place of central importance it so richly deserves in their Godcasts on Sept. 1 and 2, 2021(below). Vigano’s critical editorial is included here. My series of articles and appendices, “Is Crestone/Baca, Colorado, The “Vatican City of the New World Order?” An Expose of the New World Religion“exposes some of the 5th column infiltrators of American religious and civic institutions that has occurred over the past decades and paved the way for implementation of Read More …

Masonry (Satanism)- This World’s Secret Religion, Antichrist Spirit of the New Age, & Primary Gangstalking Perpetrators (6/4/21 Video & 2 more videos & 1 article))

Epigraph Quote: All personalities in fields of great influence are initiated members of Freemasonry, otherwise they wouldn’t be there… Their father (is) “the father of lies, the one who comes to cheat, to kill, and to destroy.” This is the secret of their success; a lying tongue and lying spirit, from the 1st degree to the 33rd degree, to each other and to us. – Altiyan Childs, from the video I. X Factor Winner – Altiyan Childs – Exposes Masonry- this World’s Secret Religion Emblem of Fabian Socialism (a British Socialist and Masonic Organization): A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing “Freemasonry, the driving force behind one-world government and the New World Read More …

8 Layers of Deep State Gang Stalking/Security Services Stalking (Targeted Individual University Video)

Webmaster Comment: This excellent video provides a good understanding of the structure of global Deep State gangstalking/security services stalking program now torturing and sabotaging millions of innocent civilians. I believe THIS is the system that rules our communities, our counties, our cities, our states and nations. Two particularly useful insights in this short video are: 1) the gangstalking/targeted individual program is a form of unconventional warfare waged by the (captured and occupied) state against individuals, and 2) our politicians are playing the “roles” of economic hitmen, i.e., while pretending to serve the interests of the populace they actually serve the Central Banks and military-industrial complex that run the system. This Read More …

Frankenscience, Transhumanism, Gangstalking, & “TechnoCalypse” (2013 video): Mark of the Beast: The Ultimate Agenda

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die. For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (Genesis 3:4-5) “TechnoCalypse,” a film by Frank Theys (uploaded by Nicholas1968): Epigraph Quotes from Film, “TechnoCalypse:” Theordore W. Berger, Professor Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California, Director for the Center for Neural Engineering: “Part of our problem is in getting enough sensors into the brain without destroying it. Getting enough sensors in there so that we can extract enough information to infer what the total pattern of activity is. And if Read More …

Descent Into Hell: MKULTRA’s Torture Doctors, Scientists, Spies, & Politicians: Hall of Shame Rogues Gallery

Descent Into Hell: CIA MKULTRA Doctors, Scientists, Spies, & Politicians: Hall of Shame Rogues Gallery Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; They kill us for their sport. William Shakespeare I. Webmaster Introduction: Mind control (MK) has been the goal and the tool of the elite for thousdands of years. Scientific refinement of these methods probably began with German (University of Liepzig) professor and founder of modern experimental psychology, Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920). One of Wundt’s students was Russian, Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), whose experimental work in modifying dog behavior was utilized by Vladimir Lenin as a means Read More …

Gangstalking/Cyber Torture in Flow Chart Diagrams

Gangstalking/Cyber Torture in Flow Chart Diagrams Compiled By Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS; August 2, 2021 Flow Charts-Diagrams are from MKULTRA and Intel community database and basically corroborate the conclusions I came to independently about ganstalking-electromagnetic harassment and torture in my website: gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com Webmaster Introduction: As my gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com proves, “gangstalking”-electronic harassment/torture, referred to in these diagrams as “Internet Trolling/Gangstalking/Cyber Terrorism,” is hybrid warfare waged against blacklisted “targeted individuals” by the US government/military-industrial-intelligence establishment, and NSA Global Spy Network/Five Eyes (English-speaking) nations. It is unconstitutional to deprive American citizens of their constitutionally-guaranteed rights. Hence, this “crime against humanity” amounts to TREASON as well as felony crimes up Read More …

The New World Order is the British Empire (aka Anglo-American Empire and British Israel; (Jay Dyer video, July 8, 2021)

The Real Illuminati And It’s System Exposed (Jay Dyer video, July 8, 2021) https://banned.video/watch?id=60e7806c91792e4eb4290a72 Here Jay Dyer reviews Georgetown Professor and political insider, Dr. Carol Quigley’s book, “The Anglo-American Establishment.” Jay Dyer: On page 33, Carol Quigley says that Cecil “Rhodes and (Lord) Rothschild hatched a plan to bring America back under the sway of the British Imperium.” This is why America changed so much throughout the 20th century. Everybody knows the Founding Fqthers had a very non-interventionist, stay-out-of-the-European-wars attitude. They knew this would entangle the US back in all these conflicts that would tempt the United States into stepping into the role of policemen of the world, as a Read More …