Is Dr. Eric Karlstrom Watchlisted, Targeted, Tortured, & Gangstalked Due to His Scientific-Environmental-Political Activism? Some Relevant Articles, Letters, Presentations, Notes, Etc. (2006-2013)

Toto Enterprises, Inc. (Websites of Professor Eric T. Karlstrom) Gangstalking (aka Counterintelligence, Community-Based, & Contract Stalking; Counterterrorism; COINTELPRO Torture; State-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism; Man-Hunting Business; Human Trafficking; Non-consensual Biomedical Experimentation), Mind Control, And Cults Natural Climate Change Introduction The Treasonous War Against Freedom and G5 (Global Government Gangstalking Genocide GESTAPO) Welcome to San Luis Valley Water Watch The Lifeline Project Gerald Massey: “They must find it difficult. Those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority.” Webmaster’s Introduction: I recently received the following email from a lawyer and TI after sending him links to my websites. In order to “test” Mr. Bean’s hypothesis that I Read More …

Operation Torch Colorado: Geoengineered Pryoterrorism For New World Order “Disaster Capitalism” (1/3/2022)

Why were those 1000 houses really torched via DEWs during the geoengineered windstorms outside of Boulder CO?! Why were those 1000 houses really torched via DEWs during the geoengineered windstorms outside of Boulder CO?! January 3, 2022 by State of the Nation OPERATION TORCH COLORADO: Who, Why & How All of these false flag, weather warfare attacks are aimed at a specific target. It could be a targeted individual or family, an advocacy group or secret society, a political action group or NGO, a small company or large corporation, a city or county, etc. Or, it could be a clandestine intentional community of white hats, whose mission is so sensitive Read More …

The Gateway Experience: Brain Hemisphere Synchronization & “Operation Crestone/Baca” (2 videos, 2 articles, declassified CIA document & webmaster’s comments)

WEBMASTER’S COMMENT: The singing/chanting in the background is a very close approximation of that of Tibetan Buddhist prayers. The colorful imagery, of course, is very reminiscent of that associated with psychedelic drugs. In other words, the CIA has apparently fused the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism with hypnosis and the acid experience promoted by CIA-spychiatrist, Timothy Leary. Since I practiced Tibetan Buddhism myself for 15 years or so in Crestone and elsewhere with some of the greatest Tibetan Buddhist masters, I am in a position to offer my opinion based on what I learned from them: And that is this: The appropriation of aspects of Tibetan Buddhist teachings for purposes other Read More …

Organized Stalking/Mind Control & “Covert Social Credit System” Are “Risk Management” In “Secret Global Government’s” “Control Grid” & Coup Against Humanity: Catherine Austin Fitts Interview- 1/28/22

Dr. Mercola Interviews Catherine Austin Fitts and Aleks Svetski (Jan. 28, 2022) Webmaster’s Comment: In this interview, economist, Catherine Austin Fitts, offers many essential insights into humanity’s present extremely dangerous situation. Her insights into the “control grid” of “Mr. Global’s” “secret governance system” help provide the context for the global system of organized stalking/targeting of civilians now being prosecuted under the guise of “risk management.” Aleks Svetski also participates in the dialogue and focuses on the merits of bitcoin as a means of regaining freedom and sovereignty. In the following selected transcript of the video, I highlight Catherine’s insights into our present dilemma and mostly ignore Aleks’ sales pitch for Read More …

Civilian Targeting: The U.S. Government’s ‘Dirty War’ of Domestic Terror (Homepage of; June 22, 2024)

Webmaster: Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University Updated: June 22, 2024 (2,3876 posts) Epigraph Quotes: 1) “Michael W. Wynne, Secretary of the Air Force, said, “We have to use it (the Cognitive Warfare (CW)/neuroweapons system) on our own citizens before we will use it on the battlefield.” That’s the way they think. He got fired for that comment… Every time the military gets a bigger budget, like after 9/11, you have more targets come on line, and they all have the same date when they came on line.” “The most profound crime a government can do to an individual is peer into their minds without consent. Read More …

The Diabolical Spirit Behind Organized Stalking AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER’S COMMUNIST “GREAT RESET;” Excerpts From “The Controversy of Zion” (Douglas Reed, 1978)

Excerpts from Douglas Reed’s “The Controversy of Zion” (1978) Pertaining to the Demonic Spirit Behind Organized Stalking/Targeting/ Summary Quotes: 1) “Judaism IS “the worship of Moloch. The whole dispute between ancient Israel and Judah of the Levites raged round this false deity and his demands, and Israel turned its back on Judah on this very account; this is the root of the controversy of Zion, three thousand years ago and now.” Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion (1978) 2) “Some call it communism, I call it Judaism” Rabbi Stephen Wise 3) “With so many jews involved with methods of deep psychological torment directed at me for so many years, it Read More …

Klaus Schwab is a Jew (I) AND A NAZI (II) & Schwab’s (WEF’s) 1300 “Young Global Leaders” (Infiltrators; III & IV)

I. Klaus Schwab is a Jew Friday, August 13, 2021 Before I go on to discuss Klaus Schwab it is important in the context of what I am about to say to point out that he is a Jew. Most people have heard about Klaus Schwab but very few know he is Jewish. The same can be said about Bill Gates. A lot of people know about Bill Gates and what he has said but very few know he is Jewish. That Schwab and Gates and other people such as Donald Trump are Jewish has been hidden from the public eye. It is extremely easy for Jews to do this. Read More … Diagrams Summarizing Targeted Individual Program (2/1/22)

“In order to spy on domestic dissidents, just call them terrorists.” Former CIA director Richard Helms in 1972 Summary of “TI Program” from The groups and key people leading the Targeted Individual program are: David Rubenstein –, Dick Cheney – USAP programs (Black Projects), TI Program Director David Cohen – CIA Operations, General John Raymond – US Space Force, Avril Haines – ODNI, Merrick Garland – DOJ, General Scott Berrier – DIA, Melissa Smislova – DHS Intelligence & Analysis, Steve Vanech – NCTC, Jill Sanborn – FBI, National Security Branch Charles Kable – FBI, Terrorist Screening Center Stefanie Tompkins – DARPA Michael Lauer, MD – NIH Extramural Division Read More …

Former CIA director Richard Helms in 1972: “In order to spy on domestic dissidents, just call them terrorists”

a href=””> Speak Freely Former CIA director: In order to spy on domestic dissidents, just call them terrorists Former CIA director: In order to spy on domestic dissidents, just call them terrorists By Kade Crockford, Director, ACLU of Massachusetts Technology for Liberty Project February 5, 2014 | 5:01 PM Surveillance by Other Agencies Privacy and Surveillance National Security Back in 2012, the ACLU of Massachusetts published a report called ‘Policing Dissent’, exposing the Boston Police Department’s ‘red squad’ surveillance operations, directed at antiwar and economic justice organizers. Among the documents we obtained through a public records lawsuit were so-called ‘intelligence reports’ from the Boston police fusion center, the Boston Regional Read More …

Gangstalking-Electronic Torture Of Innocent Civilians = DHS “Kill Contracts:” ex-NSA Whistleblower, Karen Melton Stewart

Remote neural monitoring and organized harassment of activist Nov 6, 2018 Webmaster Comment: The most important part of the video, in my opinion, begins at 7:54, when ex-NSA whistleblower and TI, Karen Melton Stewart, states: “I used to work for the National Security Agency, the NSA. Post-9/11 laws are being purposefully misinterpreted to say that since we, the USA, reserve the right to kill terrorists anywhere anytime, that if we lower the criteria to less than probable cause in regard to the Terrorist Watch List, which was done in 2013, then thousands of random people can be put on the TWL (Terrorist Watch List), no questions asked. DHS (Department of Read More …